Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Chicago, IL

Exciting day! Shortly before I left work this morning I remembered that it was the Municipal Runoff election in my ward. That means that the guy who is Alderman presently did not get enough of the vote on February 22 to definitely keep his seat, and so they are having another election to settle it today.

I hurried over to the school one block over and my usual train. Good thing I remembered!

Without naming names, I voted for the guy who had some shit to say about the coal plant in my neighborhood that leaves a layer of black dust over everything. Shortly thereafter I saw him at the train station shaking hands with the electorate and I was able to touch his arm and say "Hey! I just voted for you!" and it seemed like it warmed his heart, nbd.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Nicole has babies. Babies can't vote.

Jenny Jenny Jenny!

Tony at the polls!

Alisa in Ravenswood

Municipal General Elections in Chicago

That's right, it's mayoral election day in Chicago! Voting is anticipated at around 50% of those elligible, which is up from the previous mayoral election. Also all 62 Alderman seats are up for grabs. Howsabout that?

Monday, February 21, 2011

Cyndi in Chicago

Cyndi voted early for mayor and for the alderman of her district! You go Cyndi!

Everyone vote tomorrow if you haven't already!